Author Archives: editor

Planning a Commercial Property Renovation

Commercial building owners who are considering building renovations have many issues to meet before starting.

Reasons to Renovate

Commercial building owners want maximum returns on their investment in real estate. As the life of a property grows older, reasons to renovate include:

  • Equipment failure
  • Renovation of newly acquired property
  • Change in tenants
  • Updating
  • Energy Efficient Upgrade

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How Premiere Works Can help Commercial Businesses this Winter

Ever walk into a store, coffee shop or office in the Winter and wonder why it’s so freezing cold? Ever walk into a public restroom only to find that the faucet won’t work because the pipes are frozen? What about stores and businesses where the inside of the building is warm and cozy, but there’s so much snow on the walkway that you can’t get in without soaking your pants? Many of the businesses found in colder areas go through Winter after Winter without the proper preparation. Premiere Works can help you to make your business a little more suited for Winter. Here’s how:

Snow Shoveling

No matter how nice you keep your business inside, if people can’t get to the door, then it doesn’t matter. Simple snow shoveling can be a tremendous help in bringing in Winter business. It’s not just that an unshoveled walkway is unpleasant to walk through, an unshoveled business looks closed, no matter how bright the open sign. Premiere Works offers a variety of snow plow services including parking lots, stairwells, industrial parts, office buildings and more.

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Top General Contractor Magazines

There are a variety of great general contractor magazines in the United States and below are the top 5 that offer new trends, information and ideas when it comes to plumbing, energy and overall building management.

1. Contractor Magazine– A print and online publication for contractors, Contractor Magazine, also known as Contractor Mag, is jam packed with up to date information on plumbing, piping, hydronincs, radiant, green energy, bath and kitchen remodeling, tools, trucks and management tips. Contractor Magazine is the magazine of choice among mechanical contractors, concentrating its industry coverage primarily on plumbing, hydronic and radiant heating as well as fire protection and mechanical piping systems. Continue reading

Top General Contractor Associations

There are plenty of regional organizations for contractors across the United States. However, there are very few national organizations that work for contractors throughout the nation. There are a few, though. Here are the top three nationwide general contractor associations.

1. The Associated General Contractors of America

The Associated General Contractors of America is the largest nationwide association for general contractors in America. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., it has 95 state and local chapters across the country. The group provides all of the services necessary to improve the quality of the contracting industry and to protect the public interest. Continue reading

Commercial Kitchen Construction Cost

Utensils Hanging In Commercial KitchenThe cost a property owner will pay to install a commercial kitchen, whether in a home or in a restaurant establishment, varies significantly. The high-tech equipment, larger than average cooking surfaces, and code regulations are all factors in determining what this installation will cost.

Yet, this investment pays for itself in the long run. Ultimately, it improves efficiency and productivity, which could be key factors in building a successful kitchen.

What Factors Affect the Cost of a Commercial Kitchen?

In a survey conducted by, the estimated construction costs for an establishment can range from $49,500 (for a small location) to upwards of $279,807 for a high-end, larger establishment. These are averages. It is very likely that the cost of any commercial kitchen will range substantially for any location due to a number of factors. This includes the following. Continue reading

10 Things To Look For in a Commercial Construction Company

Hiring a construction company is a big step, and it can feel overwhelming. You want to make sure you’ll have an optimal experience and receive the final results you’ve envisioned. If you’re considering hiring a commercial construction company, make sure it has most if not all of the ten qualities listed here:

1. Licensed and Registered: Verify that the company you choose is licensed and employs bbb-a-pluslicensed and registered workers. To remain in good standing, contractors must take continuing education classes and fulfill training requirements. Ask about the most recent courses they’ve taken and ensure they are current. Continue reading

Commercial Construction Cost Per Square Foot 2013

The commercial construction business took a pretty big hit after the financial crisis of 2008. Given the nature of the crisis, this was understandable. All across the nation, jobs were lost, while homes and businesses were abandoned, leaving the economy in shambles. Residential and Commercial properties lost dramatic amounts of value, and real estate, along with all the industries that rely on it (including construction) took severe hits as well.

Real Estate Stayed Strong

Although the damage to the industry was nationwide, there were some regions that weathered the storm better than others. Washington D.C, for example, lost less value, and recovered faster than any other region in the United States. This is due in large part to the median income in D.C, as well as the nature of the industries in which that income is made. These industries include various lobbying, private and public government workers, bureaucrats, and all of the service sector jobs that come with supporting those jobs. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, which used 2010 census data, the median household income in Washington D.C. in 2010 was $84.523, which is significantly higher than the national median income around $50,000. Continue reading

Office Renovation Ideas

How is your office contributing to your company’s overall productivity? If you aren’t sure, it’s time to take a closer look at the design of your workspace. CBS News reports that over 50 percent of employees would be willing to stay at the office for an extra hour every day if they were happier with the space they were given to work. Not only can a redesigned office make your employees eager to work longer, it can also make them more productive and stay working at your company for many years to come. Here are a few renovation ideas you can make to increase your office’s efficiency.

Centralize Common Spaces

The way the office space is set up is the number one cause for loss of productivity. Consider where your employees actually go throughout the day. Is the layout setup for convenience, or are your workers walking excessive amounts to perform simple tasks, such as make copies or get coffee? By providing centralized workstations and break rooms, you are eliminating huge amounts of wasted time. Continue reading

10 Tips For A Successful Office Renovation

home office vancouver british columbia canadaWith any large project, planning is the key to being successful. But a plan is only as good as the questions answered by it. Here is a guide put together by the knowledge staff at Premiere Works that covers the major sections of an office renovation plan that will help you save time and money.

Be Clear on Your Goals

What do you want to achieve with the renovation? Do you want to stay in the space another 10 years or be out in two? Are the changes for you or for your clients? Discuss and agree upon your goals. Get them down on paper. Don’t resist changing them along the way, but don’t start until you’re comfortable with the direction of the renovation. A false start can be an expensive one. Continue reading